Why We Don’t Film Everywhere We Go

During a little break between episodes, Katie and I decided to make some After Hours videos about places we’ve been that we didn’t film an episode of Planned vs Rogue in. We started with Bologna because we’d posted a few photos and videos about it that people responded to well.

Although very supportive, a few people asked why we hadn’t done a full Planned vs Rogue episode in Bologna. A fair question! So to set the record straight, here is why we don’t film everywhere we go!

Size Matters

Big cities have more variety, simply due to the fact that there is more in them. Early on we learnt that shooting in a city of Berlin, a city of 3.5 million, offered a lot more variety than Cologne with 1 million. We want to make a show that shows two completely different styles of travelling and smaller destinations make that somewhat of a challenge. At 400,000, Bologna is such an amazing and cosy city but if we filmed there, Katie and I would have had very similar days.

While we are willing to try smaller places in the future, it’s not something we thought was worth investing in during the first season.

We Need A Break

Yes, yes, a break from our holidays, bloody Millennials, we suck, moving on now. Certain major life changes led to us going for a big trip. We booked it with no itinerary. After booking it I remembered this idea for a travel show we’d had for a while and I thought it was time for us to give it a go. At that time we planned to shoot in every city we visited but our producer insisted that we shouldn’t shoot everywhere. He suggested rather than making an episode at every stop we should shoot an episode at MOST stops and enjoy a few smaller stops as tourists.

After only a few weeks of travelling we were grateful for this suggestion. Not having to film at every destination allowed us to have a good break when we needed it to both relax and work on the freelance jobs we had that were funding the trip. While travelling is obviously a lot of fun, making the show is an investment for us and allowing ourselves time away from it let it remain so.

We Made A Bunch Of Smaller Videos Everywhere Anyway

If you follow Planned vs Rogue or Benny Sent Ya on TikTok you will have seen a lot of the smaller videos for social media we shot while travelling. We did this in every city we went to. Some of these are places we recommend for a drink or something to eat, as well as overall recommendations for what to do in the city.

We did these because they are easy to do, fun to make and we can make them as we’re going about our day.

Now because you read this far you are clearly a dedicated fan of Planned vs Rogue which is why I’d like to officially share with you the other destinations we visited that will eventually be featured in an episode of After Hours!

In order of where we recently travelled to, they are:

  • Rotterdam

  • Leuven

  • Nuremberg

  • Munich

  • Bristol

Hope this article was helpful at explaining why we don’t film everywhere we go, something that might change when we can eventually make Planned vs Rogue our full time job!


Follow Katie in Singapore


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