What To Expect On Our Blog

As a professional writer and professional organiser, Katie and myself both want the Planned vs Rogue blog to be a place where you can get in-depth and informed travel tips that we picked up while creating the show.

For every place we visit, each of us will publish an itinerary for that day including relevant links, booking information and why we do/don’t recommend it based on our experiences. These will be called our Follow Us blogs and will allow you to perfectly recreate our days, for better or worse.

Additionally, for each destination Katie and I will each write a Deep Dive piece about a certain aspect of the place we visited. Topics we are planning on covering include odes to our favourite venues, a round up of local culinary delicacies and a comprehensive guide to the quirky beer ordering system you’ll see in episode 4. These deep dives may also include things that didn’t make the final episode.

And lastly, this blog will be a place for us to share any news and updates about the future of the show of which we hope to have lots! We’ll be sharing things on here we won’t share anywhere else so this is a great place to stay in the loop and go exploring with us, even if we don’t know where we are going literally half the time.


Benny represents the rogue traveller sort of like Jack Kerouac or another cool person who doesn’t do their own editing.


A Spoiler Free Explanation Of Season One Of Planned vs Rogue