A Spoiler Free Explanation Of Season One Of Planned vs Rogue

This blog was originally uploaded to Benny Sent Ya on 24.08.23. It has been updated to reflect the progress the show has made.

If you follow me on social media you will have noticed that me and my partner Katie have been travelling across Europe for quite a while now. In this time I’ve made a lot of videos, gotten a bit chubby and melted the wheels off my suitcase. Most importantly however, Katie and I have been shooting our new online travel series that I’d like to tell you about without spoiling where we’re going. To keep things interesting I’ll be sharing some pics from our shooting days with zero context.

Can you spot what’s wrong with this picture? (Answer at end of article)

It’s Competitive

The show is called Planned vs Rogue with Katie and I representing each method of travel respectively. We each have one day in a city to take the other out, Katie with a well researched itinerary and me with nothing but the spirit of adventure. There are 11 episodes planned in this first season and we will be keeping track of the wins each week.

It’s Not About Beer

I know and I’m sorry. We have already made a travel series about beer you are free to watch but this new one won’t be like Benny Sent Ya! or Reviewery of a Brewery. Yes, we go to some amazing places and drink beer basically every episode but don’t expect to hear words like malt, IBU or hazy.

Just both of us having a bit of fun.

It Stars Us (Because Why Shouldn’t It?)

In this show Katie and I will be on split presenting duties. There is a slight competitive element to this that will flow throughout the series and focus on our preferred and very different methods of travel in our location for the week. There is a bit of banter back and forth and often some off camera stress but a lot of the filming days have been fantastic fun.

It’s Mostly In Europe

Out of the 13 planned shooting locations (across 11 different countries), 11 of the locations are in Europe, Western Europe to be more precise. Some are cities we have already visited but most are cities we are exploring for the first time. The reason it was done like this is really because…

A very traditional thing.

It Was A Last Minute Decision

After losing our lease, Katie and I decided to go on a big trip instead of paying ridiculous instalments off someone else’s mortgage. About a week before that we wondered if we shouldn’t finally attempt that travel show I’d been thinking about for over a year. A few days before flying out I caught up with a good friend who gave me my start in professional writing and he seemed to like the idea. So much so that…

We Have An Investor

My friend and long-term business associate Piers is currently in the business of investing in interesting creative projects and recently founded the company General Experiments. Aside from a financial contribution and production assistance, Piers and the General Experiments team have provided guidance and insight to the project that has been of great use and inspiration. “Go down as many dark alleys as possible,” was Piers advice to me which I’ve tried to keep in mind whenever we are filming, without getting us stabbed.

This Is A Pilot Season

This first series is an investment from both Katie, myself and General Experiments with the aim to make it into something we can monetize long term. We are still finding the formula of the show, and to an extent, we are letting it find us. While we are shooting 12 episodes we may only release eight (although 11 is looking more likely right now!). It’s all about finding quality in quantity and creating something sharp that people are going to want to watch, share and get invested in.

And that’s about all I want to say about it for now because 1) anything could happen in the editing room and 2) as a loyal reader of my website you are the target market and I really do need you to watch it and I’m afraid if I say too much I might spoil it along with any chance you have of watching the damn thing.

Right here and social media are the best place to keep updated.

Answer: the beer was alcohol free!


Benny represents the rogue traveller sort of like Jack Kerouac or another cool person who doesn’t do their own editing.


An Update To The Planned vs Rogue Premiere


What To Expect On Our Blog